Save Austin’s Cemeteries

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Amenities & Accessibility:

Outdoor Experiences

Outdoor Experiences

Free Admission

Free Admission


Save Austin’s Cemeteries is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving Austin’s historic cemeteries through documentation, preservation, and education, and promoting them as local and state cultural resources. SAC documents the conditions at the five city cemeteries including the headstones and researches the histories of the cemeteries and cemetery residents. SAC provides input to City Council and the Parks & Recreation Department on cemetery needs.


We provide educational opportunities to the public by providing walking tours several times a year that cover a variety of topics, such as Texas Independence, Place Names of Austin, and Murder, Mayhem & Misadventure for Halloween. SAC also provides tours for school and scout groups on individualized topics.

To receive updates on events or other SAC news, send a request to to be added to our mailing list.

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